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Pekan arowana fish size update on my vampire tank tankmates

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Pekan arowana fish size update on my vampire tank tankmates


arowana fish size update on my vampire tank tankmates

7" armatus payara
8"9" endi bichir
new tankmates
5" red tail payara tatauaia
2x 4" kelberi peacock bass
Nice predatory collection bro,if got dorado,gatf n vatf will be even better
>Wow. Very nice predator collections.
>Nice collections As bro RKO mentioned, it would be great to add gatf,VATF, dorado to your toothy collection
>Originally Posted by ArmatusLover Nice collections As bro RKO mentioned, it would be great to add gatf,VATF, dorado to your toothy collection Fully agreed, very nice collection
>Originally Posted by RKO Nice predatory collection bro,if got dorado,gatf n vatf will be even better Thanks RKO bro. I would love to get them but I scare no space and high bioload and comm fights. maybe when I upgrade to 6ft tank
>Originally Posted by patclay Wow. Very nice predator collections. Thanks bro!
>Originally Posted by ArmatusLover Nice collections As bro RKO mentioned, it would be great to add gatf,VATF, dorado to your toothy collection Thanks bro! maybe next time when I get a bigger tank now only 4ft.
>Originally Posted by Samimalai Fully agreed, very nice collection Thanks bro
>Great predatory comp,jus need to add a bit more n can sit back n enjoy..
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